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So far PhD Trials has created 27 blog entries.

September 2022

PhD Trials® at 32nd IFSCC congress


PhD Trials® will be present, once again,  at 32nd IFSCC congress , in London. Influential experts from over 30 countries will speak about headline topics at the IFSCC 2022 Congress in London from 19-22 September 2022 at Westminster Park Plaza Hotel. A highlight for Professor Pedro Contreiras Pinto ( PhD Trials® CEO, General and Scientific [...]

PhD Trials® at 32nd IFSCC congress2022-09-06T11:59:57+00:00

April 2022

PhD Trials® at in-cosmetics 2022 – Paris


PhD Trials® was present, once again,  at in-cosmetics®, in Paris. This is the most important ingredient exhibition for the cosmetic industry, with more than 9000 cosmetic manufacturers worldwide. As  exclusive sponsor of  the Testing and Regulation Zone, at booth Q98, we presented our services as an in vivo specialized company. It was with [...]

PhD Trials® at in-cosmetics 2022 – Paris2022-04-12T11:28:10+00:00

March 2022

PhD Trials® at Cosmetinnov 2022


PhD Trials®  was present, once again, in Cosmetinnov 2022- VI Portuguese Society of Cosmetic Sciences Congress, as main Sponsor and exhibitor at stand No. 138. The event held in Lisboa on last March 10th and 11th, gave us the opportunity, to see our work developed in this area recognized, once again. It was with great [...]

PhD Trials® at Cosmetinnov 20222022-03-23T16:10:36+00:00

Projecto de Internacionalização da Phardevelopment Trials, Lda


Designação do projeto |Projeto de Internacionalização da Phardevelopment Trials, Lda Código do projeto | CENTRO-02-0752-FEDER-001497 Objetivo principal| Reforçar a competitividade das pequenas e médias empresas Entidade beneficiária |PHARDEVELOPMENT TRIALS, LDA   Data de aprovação | 07-09-2015 Data de início |01-06-2015 Data de conclusão | 30-11-2017 Custo total elegível | 79.899,94 € Apoio financeiro da União [...]

Projecto de Internacionalização da Phardevelopment Trials, Lda2022-03-13T23:25:40+00:00

October 2021

PhD Trials® present at Cosmetorium 2021


  PhD Trials®  was present, once again, in Cosmetorium as an exhibitor at stand No. 216. The event was held in Barcelona on last October 20th and 21th. It was with great pleasure that Phd Trials® was able to be with its customers, after almost 2 years of pandemic. A highlight for Professor Pedro Contreiras [...]

PhD Trials® present at Cosmetorium 20212021-10-25T10:19:13+00:00

September 2020

PhD Trials® at in-cosmetics Global 2021 – Barcelona


PhD Trials® will participate, as an exhibitor, in the In-cosmetics Global 2021, to be held on the 5th, 6th and 7th of October, in Barcelona. Come and visit our stand ( Z31) and schedule a meeting with us. We invite you to discover all the options that PhD Trials® can offer you.   Register here: [...]

PhD Trials® at in-cosmetics Global 2021 – Barcelona2021-10-12T16:34:37+00:00

April 2020

A PhD Trials é sinónimo de Excelência!


Mais uma vez e também pelo segundo ano consecutivo a PhD Trials® , foi distinguida com estatuto de PME Excelência , juntando assim ao estatuto de PME Líder atribuído no final de 2019. Trata-se de um selo de reputação que permite às empresas distinguidas relacionarem-se com a sua envolvente - fornecedores, clientes, sistema financeiro e [...]

A PhD Trials é sinónimo de Excelência!2020-04-08T14:34:02+00:00

January 2020

PhD Trials® at In Cosmetics Gobal 2020 – Barcelona


  PhD Trials® will be present at In Cosmetics in Barcelona. This is the most important ingredient exhibition for the cosmetic industry , with more than 9000 cosmetic manufactures worldwide. We will be present at the Testing and Regulation (also as a sponsor), and at Boost Your Test Zone, to present our services as an in [...]

PhD Trials® at In Cosmetics Gobal 2020 – Barcelona2021-07-20T10:24:49+00:00

December 2019

A PhD Trials® é sinónimo de liderança !


  Pelo segundo ano consecutivo a  PhD Trials® ,  foi distinguida com estatuto de PME Líder ! O estatuto PME Líder é um selo de reputação de empresas criado pelo IAPMEI para distinguir o mérito das PME nacionais com desempenhos superiores e é atribuído em parceria com o Turismo de Portugal, um conjunto de bancos parceiros e as [...]

A PhD Trials® é sinónimo de liderança !2020-02-12T19:00:59+00:00