

October 2019

PhD Trials® present at Cosmetorium 2019


PhD Trials®  was present, once again, in Cosmetorium as an exhibitor at stand No. 206. The event was held in Barcelona on the 23rd and October 24th. The team of specialists of PhD Trials® presented developed protocols to study the effect or behavior of cosmetic products, such as the evaluation of the thickness of the [...]

PhD Trials® present at Cosmetorium 20192020-02-18T22:53:37+00:00

April 2019

A Phd Trials é sinónimo de Excelência


A PhD Trials® foi distinguida, na passada quarta-feira ( 17/04/2019), com o estatuto PME Excelência 2018, numa cerimónia que decorreu no Altice Fórum Braga, onde estiveram presentes o Primeiro-Ministro, o Ministro Adjunto e da Economia e o Secretário de Estado da Economia. O IAPMEI, em parceria com o Turismo de Portugal, o Sistema Nacional de [...]

A Phd Trials é sinónimo de Excelência2020-02-18T22:53:37+00:00

March 2019

Phd Trials at In Cosmetics Gobal 2019 – Paris


PhD Trials® will be present at In Cosmetics in Paris. This is the most important ingredient exhibition for the cosmetic industry , with more than 9000 cosmetic manufactures worldwide. We will be present at the Testing and Regulation (also as a sponsor), and at Boost Your Test Zone, to present our services as an in [...]

Phd Trials at In Cosmetics Gobal 2019 – Paris2020-02-18T22:53:37+00:00

March 2018

PhD Trials at the Cosmetinnov 2018 – Best Scientific Poster Award


PhD Trials was present at the Cosmetinnov 2018- V Congress of the Portuguese Society of Cosmetology Sciences and received, through its CEO (Professor Pedro Contreiras Pinto), the Best Scientific Poster Award, with the theme "Skin sensorial analysis, a new method for detecting Meissner corpuscles by Laser Scanning Confocal microscopy ". Once again, the work developed [...]

PhD Trials at the Cosmetinnov 2018 – Best Scientific Poster Award2018-03-21T11:53:18+00:00

April 2017

PhD Trials® at in-cosmetics®, in London.


PhD Trials® was present at in-cosmetics®, in London. This is the most important ingredient exhibition for the cosmetic industry, with more than 9000 cosmetic manufacturers worldwide. At the Testing and Regulation Zone, at booth E41, we presented our services as an in vivo specialized company.

PhD Trials® at in-cosmetics®, in London.2018-02-16T12:25:31+00:00

April 2016

PhD Trials® will be present at In Cosmetics 2016


PhD Trials® will be present at In Cosmetics in Paris. This is the most important ingredient exhibition for the cosmetic industry, with more than 9000 cosmetic manufacturers worldwide. We will be present at the Testing and Regulation Zone, at booth S128, to present our services as an in vivo specialized company. Check In Cosmetics Website

PhD Trials® will be present at In Cosmetics 20162016-07-21T11:54:28+00:00